Xenobites Movie 123Movies Blu-ray Without Download Online Streaming
Plot Xenobites (2008):
After the fifth war, the crime rate rises over five hundred percent. Law enforcement is replaced by xenobites: psychotic demons that execute justice in deadly ways. Icarus Van Clader, a private investigator and former criminal in the underworld, is hired to retrieve a mysterious tape that puts him at war with xenobites and the Yakuza."In the future...gangsters and demons will collide"
Movie details
Title: XenobitesReleased: 2008-08-29
Genre: Horror, Action, Science Fiction
Director: Luis Bunuel
Date: 2008-08-29
Runtime: 114 Minutes
Homepage: Homepage Movie
Trailer: Video Trailer
Casts of Xenobites:
Michael Fredianelli, Kevin Giffin, Jana Ireton, Michael Nosé, Henry Lee, Anthony Spears, Shai Wilson, James Soderborg, Eric Andersen, James Z. Feng, Ronald Nosé, Brian Marquez, Edronda Guiriba, Winnie Fu, Michael A. Martinez, Martin Nosé, Mark Menor, Anthony Reyes, Reginald Santos, Wilton Yiu, Arnold Phan, Tony Truong, Tim Trias,Rating: 6 out of 10 ★ From 1 Users